Ultimate Guide to Manicures & Benefits of Manicure Services

A manicure is a grooming treatment for the hands and nails. At salons and spas, clients can receive professional manicure services to keep nails looking attractive and well-maintained. Manicures follow a series of steps to clean, shape, and polish the nails. They are often paired with a massage for relaxation. Regular manicures provide cosmetic and health benefits.

The Manicure Process Step-By-Step


The nails are soaked in a bowl of warm water or bath. This softens the nails and makes the cuticles easier to work on. Soaking allows moisture to penetrate and condition the nails. Cuticle softener or oil may be applied at this stage too.

Filing and Shaping

Each nail is filed to smooth the edges and shape the tips, often into rounded or square shapes. Ridges and hangnails are smoothed out and nail thickness is reduced if needed. Proper filing prevents future snags, cracks, and breaks.

Cuticle Care

The cuticles are pushed back gently with an orangewood stick. This prevents excess cuticle from growing onto the nail plate. Any loose cuticle tags or hangnails are nipped off with cuticle nippers.


A nail brush is used to clean under and around nails, removing debris, oil, and dirt. Thorough cleaning allows for better polish application and adhesion later.


Buffing blocks smooth and shine the nails in preparation for polish. Buffing evens out the surface and makes the nails more resistant to chipping and peeling of the polish.

Hand Massage

Massage cream is applied before the hands are massaged, to boost circulation and provide tension relief. The massage techniques stimulate blood flow and relax the muscles of the hands and arms.

Polish Application

A base coat is first applied so the polish bonds properly with the nails. One or two coats of colored polish follow. Then a top coat can be added for extra shine and chip protection.

Finishing Touches

The nails are wiped clean before the client leaves the salon, removing any traces of excess polish from the skin or cuticles. The client may also dip their nails in cold water to set the polish.

The Benefits of Professional Manicures

There are many advantages to getting periodic manicures from salon professionals rather than doing your own nails at home:

  • Salon products like polishes, creams, and tools are of much higher quality than drugstore varieties. This allows for a perfect, flawless manicure.
  • Technicians are trained in methods and techniques to shape nails and apply polish for attractive results. Their expertise shows in the final look.
  • The specialized tools and implements are available at a salon without having to be purchased. This includes cuticle nippers, nail buffers, and cotton balls.
  • The professional polish lasts for weeks without chips, damage, or wear. The polish adheres tightly and dries evenly for a long-lasting manicure.
  • A salon manicure simply looks more polished, glossy, and put-together. The hands look well-groomed and neat.
  • The massage aspect relaxes the muscles, stimulates circulation, and provides therapeutic benefits.
  • Consistent manicures allow the technician to observe the nail health over time. They can catch early signs of disorders or infections.

Overall, professional manicure services enhance the look of the hands for a confident, beautiful appearance. They also promote nail health through grooming and observation.

Types of Manicures

Standard manicures provide the cleaning, shaping, and polishing of the natural nails. Some other popular options include:

  • Paraffin wax manicures – Hands are dipped in warm paraffin to deeply moisturize the skin.
  • Gel manicures – Gel polish is applied for 2-3 weeks of damage-resistant wear.
  • French manicures – White polish is painted along the nail tips with sheer pink on the rest.
  • Glitter manicures – Glitter polish or glitter powder gives sparkling nails.
  • Acrylic manicures – Acrylic is applied over the nails to lengthen them and make them stronger.
  • Shellac manicures – Brand name Shellac polish adheres to the nail tightly and cures under a UV light.

No matter what specialized manicure type is selected, the result is beautiful, healthy-looking nails. Professional manicures make the hands look elegant and well-groomed.